Monday, November 16, 2015

Unit Test

For this Unit what I really need to do is do A LOT of practice problems. I think another thing that will help me is reading through the textbook and taking notes along the way. That way, I get the definitions down so I don't get confused between terms. Then, I can do the practice problems in the textbook to go along with the material I read. Hopefully practice will make perfect.


The Unit test was honestly terrifying. The main problem was the time we had to finish the quiz. I felt so rushed and it stressed me out. I feel like if  we had a lot more time for all of those problems, I would feel better about it. In general, I think the hardest part, material wise, was remembering the different methods for each problem since there are so many problem times that have similar yet completely different solution paths.


  1. I quite agree, and I think that all the people do who took the test. I think that the worst part was probably the inability to run equations properly, since I just wasn't able to do that on that day.

  2. I quite agree, and I think that all the people do who took the test. I think that the worst part was probably the inability to run equations properly, since I just wasn't able to do that on that day.
