Sunday, November 22, 2015

Solubility Rules Lab

This lab was really cool because we got to actually see the chemical reactions occur. The reactions were very interesting and some were really noticeable. (As you can see from some of the pictures from below). I think the hardest part of this lab was keeping track of which well contained which reaction. To fix that problem, I drew out little "maps" of the well plate and wrote down the reactions on a piece of paper. It was also really tedious because there were a lot of reactions that we had to go through. We also had to clean out the well plates after each time it was full which took even more time and was tedious. Because of all these processes, it took us a really long and we ran over time. However, this lab was good practice if we predicted the driving forces ahead of time. 


  1. I agree that this lab was really cool but took a long time! It wasn't the most difficult lab, but overall it took me the longest to finish.

  2. Thanks for the great pictures! I was absent the day we did this lab so I am glad I got to at least see what happened. It looks like a very colorful lab and fun.
