Friday, November 13, 2015

Formula of a Chloride lab

 This lab was really cool because there was a significant difference between the starting zinc and the end zinc chloride. It really helped us see the chemical reaction occur. However, it took a long time to wait for the HCl to evaporate and it smelled really weird too. This lab was also good practice for making the formula calculations. It also gave us a hands on application which I always learn better with. I thought the math would be really hard but it really helped me that the questions were step by step and guided me. I really like those kinds of problems because it guides me into how I should solve the problem which is always what I have trouble. However, it's scary because if you get one problem wrong, you're most likely going to get multiple wrong. It's a good thing we did this lab because I need all the practice I can get

1 comment:

  1. It did take a while for the chemical reaction to finish, and the smell was very strong.
