Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Half Life

In this unit we learned about how to calculate half lives. Half lives are the time it takes for half of a sample of atoms to decay to a stable form. For example, in the Forensic archaeology lab, we calculated half lives of the radioactive atoms in a sample. The formula for calculating half lives is listed below. Half lives can be used to trace the amount of time a sample/remain has existed. That can be used in crime scene investigations to determine how long a person has been dead. At first, when we started this section I was actually really confused and was confused especially when we were given word problems. However, the lab that we did (the forensic archaeology lab) helped me solidify my skills.

Useful links:


  1. I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts, all of the images and links work properly. All of the images and links have been very beneficial in helping me study and review! Thank you!

  2. I agree with Colette with all of the points, for me, the images were extremely helpful in getting a better understanding of a pretty confusing unit.

  3. I really love all your blog posts, they're super informational and have helped me TONS! I love the links that you add too because it gives it an extra reinforcement in case we still have trouble figuring how to solve it.
