Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Atomic Theory and Nuclear Chemistry

The notes that we took today seemed more informational than the last unit. The last unit felt like it was more of application of rules. Today, we took notes on Dalton's Atomic Theory, Law of Constant Composition, JJ Thomson, Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment and the current Atomic Model (the cloud model). To remember each of these scientist's discoveries and importance, my friends in other chemistry classes made acronyms. Knowing those acronyms, its already easier for me to remember these scientist's roles than it would have been if I had just tried to memorize them today. The activity that we did at the end of the notes (the obscur-tainer lab) today was also fun. There was a small black dish with a shape inside and a small metal ball; and we had to roll the ball around to guess what the shape was inside. This kind of relates to how Rutherford did his Gold Foil Experiment because he used other elements (ex: the metal ball) to bounce off the gold (the shapes) to figure out unknown properties of Gold.

Gold Foil Experiment (Rutherford)

Thomson's Cathode Ray experiment


Extra resource:

1 comment:

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