Monday, December 14, 2015

Unit Exam reflection

I was so glad that the exam was postponed to Tuesday because it gave me more time to study. I'd been studying from the weekend anyways, but the more time I get, the more confident I feel. To study for this exam, I mostly did a lot of practice problems. I used all the problems from schoology as well as from the textbook. I also used some external resources (listen in Stoichiometry summary post). I am trying my hardest on this unit exam because it is our last chance to raise grades before the final exam. I also know I need to learn this unit well because I'm sure that we will be using this for the remainder of the course. I can tell that things are only getting harder from here.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I was really happy that our exam was moved to Tuesday because I always feel like I do better on tests when they aren't on Monday. I too tried my best because my grade was right on the edge and I really wanted to bump it up a letter grade.
