Thursday, October 1, 2015

Unit Test Reflection

Overall I think the unit test wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy but it wasn't too bad. The night before the test, I started working on the guided readings while reading Unit 3 and 19 in the text book. When I got to Chapter 19 I realized we hadn't covered some of the topics in class and I panicked. So I thoroughly read the chapter and took the practice assessments in the schoology test prep link. Thankfully there wasn't much of Chapter 19.2 on the test but I'm really glad I read it because it gave me a better understanding of the topic as a whole. Since a lot of chemistry is linked together and knowledge that you acquire is often used in later topics; I think that having done all that will definitely help me in the long run. After I had read the chapter, I went through all the practice tests on schoology and I'm REALLY glad I did that because I found that the questions on the test had similar formats which gave me a feel for what I would be seeing. After doing the tests, I marked which problems I had trouble with and went back and reviewed that in our notes and the textbook. I really like doing practice problems before tests because I have noticed that it helps me a lot. As they say, practice makes permanent; and perfect practice makes perfect. (and that's the goal)

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