Friday, March 4, 2016

Test pushed back!

I'm beyond glad that the test was pushed back because this unit is making me really nervous. We haven't done a information based unit in a while and it's mostly been all math so this is a slight change. I'm not that great at remembering rules, numbers, and etc so this is a rough unit for me.

Unit Summary: 
The Wave Nature of Light

  • Electronic structure: arrangement of electrons in an atom
  • visible light: ROY G BIV from least to highest energy
  • << electromagnetic spectrum
  • higher amplitude and shorter wavelength= more energy

Wavelength formula: 
C= 3.0*10^8
Energy Formula: 

 H= 6.63*10^-34

Organization of Electrons:
  1. Principal Energy Level: n=1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (distance from nucleus)
  2. Sublevel: s,p,d,f (different sections on table)
  3. Orbitals: s- 1, p-3, d-5, f-7; each orbital holds 2 electrons max
  4. Spin: Can have either an upward (+1/2) or downward (-1/2) spin
Rules for placing Electrons: 
  • Aufbau Principle: electrons enter orbitals lowest energy first
  • Pauli Exclusion Principle; an orbital can only contain 2 electrons with an opposite spin
  • Hund's Rule: within a sublevel, electrons must enter singly (positive first) 
Energy Level Diagram for Sublevels: Electron Configurations:
  • read from left to right
  • Short cut with putting previous noble gas in brackets [ ]
  • Exceptions where you remove one electron from the s sublevel and add to the p: Co, Cr, Mo, W, Ag, Au
Configuration of Ions: add or remove the appropriate amount of electrons from the highest principal energy level first

Quantum numbers

  • basic set up: (n, l, ml, ms)

Links I used to help me study:

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