Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Unit Test Practice

Lewis Structures Practice --- Answers
This Link explains how to draw 3D Lewis structures and shows a few examples
Chemical Bonding Practice Multiple Choice Test
Formal Charge Khan Academy Video
Bond Polarity
Lewis Structures Khan Academy- this video showed a different way of drawing these bonds but I liked it a lot better because for simpler ones, it was very time saving

In the practice tests I thought this Lewis Structure was really hard so here is the correct structure for anyone else who had the same problem

Unit Exam

The Unit Exam had a lot more questions than I expected and I think that was the worst part of the test. Most of the questions were similar to what we were used to and just a few were really difficult. I felt confident about all the ones I had time for, but I still felt really rushed. I think many of the questions were similar to the ones on the practice tests online and doing those helped a lot. I was worried that I would be completely lost this unit especially since I missed two days of class, but I wasn't as confused as I thought I would be. Overall, I think I would have done really well if we had more time or less questions.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Modeling Lab

I really liked this activity because it was a more fun, hands on way of learning. Going into the lab I was completely lost on the unit and didn't really understand how to place the electrons and such. The first few that I did I was very nervous and had a lot of questions. However, as we went through the lab I got more confident about the process and was able to do it better on my own. I'm really glad that we did this activity because it actually helped me a lot.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Acids and Bases Unit Exam

This test was really difficult and I felt like many of the problems were more complex than what I had been studying. This unit was just difficult for me over all and I hope I did decent enough on the test. I studied a lot and I spread out my studying more this unit. I found that the online resources on schoology are my favorite things to study because it gives me a feel for what the test will really be like.

My grade wasn't too good on the test and I hope I will be able to fix my mistakes when we get them back. I expected to do poorly on this test but I think I did slightly better than I had expected which is good I guess.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Fireworks video and worksheet

I thought it was cool that we learned about this for this unit because it shows us a real world application of the stuff we learned this unit. I didn't know that elements were burned to create the colors, I always thought it was some other type of dye or something I don't really know. Fireworks are really fun and I love setting them off during the 4th of July, but from now on I'll probably have flashbacks of this class when ever I see fireworks. I also thought this was a nice way to start the unit because it made us more interested in the topic before we started learning.

Test pushed back!

I'm beyond glad that the test was pushed back because this unit is making me really nervous. We haven't done a information based unit in a while and it's mostly been all math so this is a slight change. I'm not that great at remembering rules, numbers, and etc so this is a rough unit for me.

Unit Summary: 
The Wave Nature of Light

  • Electronic structure: arrangement of electrons in an atom
  • visible light: ROY G BIV from least to highest energy
  • << electromagnetic spectrum
  • higher amplitude and shorter wavelength= more energy

Wavelength formula: 
C= 3.0*10^8
Energy Formula: 

 H= 6.63*10^-34

Organization of Electrons:
  1. Principal Energy Level: n=1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (distance from nucleus)
  2. Sublevel: s,p,d,f (different sections on table)
  3. Orbitals: s- 1, p-3, d-5, f-7; each orbital holds 2 electrons max
  4. Spin: Can have either an upward (+1/2) or downward (-1/2) spin
Rules for placing Electrons: 
  • Aufbau Principle: electrons enter orbitals lowest energy first
  • Pauli Exclusion Principle; an orbital can only contain 2 electrons with an opposite spin
  • Hund's Rule: within a sublevel, electrons must enter singly (positive first) 
Energy Level Diagram for Sublevels: Electron Configurations:
  • read from left to right
  • Short cut with putting previous noble gas in brackets [ ]
  • Exceptions where you remove one electron from the s sublevel and add to the p: Co, Cr, Mo, W, Ag, Au
Configuration of Ions: add or remove the appropriate amount of electrons from the highest principal energy level first

Quantum numbers

  • basic set up: (n, l, ml, ms)

Links I used to help me study:

Unit Test

I don't feel very good about this exam. I wasn't expecting that many questions on the test and I felt very rushed. I think maybe if I had more time I would have done a lot better. I think the hardest part for me was the periodic trends because they're still really confusing. The wavelength questions were also harder on this test than I expected so I don't think I did so well on it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Weekly Quiz #1

This unit feels kind of weird so far because our past units have been heavily math based, but this one is more material based. I'm not very good at remembering facts and memorizing numbers and such so I was pretty scared for this quiz. I did the practice quizzes that Mrs. Frankenberg put up and went through all my notes. I thought I did alright on the quiz: as in maybe didn't flat-out fail. When we got the results back, I found that I didn't do terribly and I missed all the ones I thought I missed which I went over and now understand.

Spectroscopic Analysis of Cobalt and Copper Ion

I wasn't able to do this lab because I had to miss class to help out the Viking Way club. However, looking at other people's posts I was able to see what the lab was like and I got the general idea of it, so thank you to everyone who posted! I wish I could have done the lab though, because labs really help me understand the unit better and I always feel more confident after doing calculations for the labs.