Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Murder Investigation Lab

 Day 1

So far, I think the hardest part of the lab was writing our own procedure. We tend to like it when a set of written directions are given to us because then if we follow the procedure precisely we're bound to perform the experiment correctly and get the desired results. Since we've never written our own procedure before it was really challenging, but since we had to figure it out on our own I think we got a better understanding of the process.

Day 2

First, we tested the two possible reactions to see which one precipitated, and seeing that both seemed to precipitate, we chose to react the unknown substance with the aqueous sodium chloride. Next, we had to mix the two liquids and let a precipitate form in a testable quantity. Filtering out the precipitate took really long so I had to come back and take out the filter paper during Howell Time.

After the lab:

After we had collected our data, we used this Data to determine the unknown substance and it's molarity and compare it with the list to suspects to figure out who committed the crime. The calculations required our knowledge of molarity from this unit as well as stoichiometry and other things from other units.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you split up the days and pictures in your blog post! It is very organized and easy to follow!
