Thursday, October 1, 2015

Star log reflection

The star log project was actually very cool and I enjoyed it a lot because astronomy has always been interesting to me. I think I even wanted to be an astronomer at one point in my life. I also think that this project was a lot less stressful than the Frontier Chemistry project because I think the first project prepared us for this one. (I'm also pretty glad we don't have to do an essay for this one) I think the information was a lot easier to find and there was less stuff we had to find. I also like how we got to pick which stars we wanted to research, I think it made it a little more exciting and unique. I think I did a better job of managing my time for this project, however if I could improve I would see if it were possible to find further information about the chemical composition of each star. I used the Harvard research base for a lot of my research but it was difficult to read through the abstracts and understand the terms that they used sometimes.

Some other useful links for this project:
THIS one is my personal favorite because they made easy to read charts with most of the information I needed
I also used Wikipedia a lot for background information about stars and constellations

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