Friday, October 30, 2015

Last Meal Conversion Project Reflection

This project was really fun especially because food was involved! I think it  really played a big part in helping me understand the conversions and was great practice for the test. At first I thought it would be hard to memorize all the conversions but after having to use it so many times for this project, it became more easy to remember the exact measurements. It was also good practice for the rounding portion of this unit, which I really struggled with for a while but doing this project served as great practice. I'm glad we had this project actually because it was a nice cool off after the stressful unit test and it helped me review for the test as well! It was also interesting seeing what everyone else had made and all the recipes were so good it was hard picking who to give extra credit points to! I also had a fun time making my Oreo Pound cake!

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