Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Unit 6 Summary

Mole: 6.02*10^23 the number equal to the number of carbon atoms in exactly 12 grams of pure 12C

Steps To Solving mole Problems

  • decide what the questions ask 
  • write down the given info
  • label all quantities
Mole problems road map

Hydrated Compounds

  • contain water molecules in formula
  • contribute to the crystallize structure of the compound 

Nomenclature of Hydrates
  • Anhyrdride*nH2O
  • CaSO4*2H2O ----> Calcium sulfate dihydrate

Calculating "n"
  • find mass of dry anhydride (mass of final product-mass of test tube)
  • find mass of hydrate: (mass of starting product-mass of test tube)
  • Mass of Hydrate-mass of anhydride= mass of water driven off
  • convert mass of water to moles 
  • convert mass of anhydride to moles 
  • Anhydride moles/ water moles = n

Helpful links: 
this video is kinda cheesy but definitely helpful!
this website summarizes and defines everything really clearly

Links for practice: 

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