Snake bite (Rattlesnake)

Black Eyed Susan   (Rudbeckia hirta)

  • used as poultice or as a wash for snake bite
  • warm infusion of root can also be drunk to soothe snakebites
  • active ingredient: sesquiterpene lactone
  • found in tall grass prairie and eastern deciduous forest

Cardinal Flower (Lobelia Cardinalis)

  • roots made into tea as a pain reliever/analgesic 
  • active ingredient: lobeline 
  • found in eastern deciduous forest

Black Samson (Echinacea angustifolia):

  • root chewed or made into tea for snakebites 
  • active ingredient: cichoric acid 
  • found in tall grass prairie and eastern deciduous forest

Wild QUinine (Parthenium integrifolium)

  • blood detoxification against snake venom 
  • active ingredient:Selenium 
  • found in tall grass prairie and eastern deciduous forest

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